Well, we're down to the wire. The extra luggage has been purchased, the legal documents all signed, the Twitter and Google+ handles have been changed, and the schedule is all set. We received notification from our moving company that our air shipment safely arrived in Luxembourg, which includes the FX and the Redline. At least we know two of the bikes made it. The final touch ups of construction on our new house are all finished and our landlord will meet us to give us the keys as soon as we arrive. All of us are relieved (most especially the cats) that we won't have to live in a hotel when we get there. As long as everything goes as planned, the rest of our stuff will be delivered to our house the day after we get there. The Mr. doesn't start his new position until after the New Year so we'll have about two weeks to get settled and figure things out before he's heading to the office everyday.
So, are we ready for this?
Yes and no. We're ready to get out of this apartment building in Akron with the colony of elephants stomping around upstairs. We're ready to get our stuff back and the whole family together again. We're certainly ready to get back to living a healthy lifestyle. We tired of eating out and not getting any exercise. We both ready to start the adventure of a lifetime.
But, it's bittersweet. We aren't ready leave our friends and family just yet. The last days we're here will be spent with them. What I like to call #tendayswithfriends started Friday night with a small dinner party with lots of laughs, food, and board games. Last night we spent about six hours at the home of one of the Mr.'s coworkers from Brazil enjoying homemade caipirinhas and pizza. Each caipirinha took no less than 10 minutes to make and they made six types of pizza, with eggplant, cream cheese, basil, and chicken, among other things. It was a delicious evening, but I feel like as swallowed a basketball. After several months of living like gypsies on restaurant food and take-out, I'm starting to look like it too.
A true Caipirinha consists of 3 tbs of sugar, a lime, some ice and cachaça. |
This evening, we're checking out Inferno Gourmet Burger Bar in Medina with yet another group. Somehow, most of these upcoming evenings will be spent at burger places. Tonight, Inferno and Thursday at Flipside in Hudson. Last week, we went to The Rail in Fairlawn. Yesterday, it was Swensons Drive-In for lunch. Seeing as how burgers aren't exactly the cuisine de Luxembourg, we better get our fill now.
It promises to be a week filled with lots of fun and good food. Bit, it will also be a little sad, realizing that its the last time we will be seeing all of these wonderful people for a while (unless you visit, of course ;-).
It's also a little scary to realize we have only a week or so left and there's no going back. Despite the fact we know where we'll be living is a wonderful place and there's nothing to be worried about, it's still nerve wracking to move to a new place and new culture (even for an anthropologist).
Well, anyway, it's exciting just the same, even with all the fears and jumpy nerves and sad feelings. I'll probably post on here one last time before we head out next Monday. After that, things are going to be a bit silent here for a while until our Internet gets set up in the new place. From what we hear, that might take a while. If you're willing to bear with me, I promise I'll be back as soon as possible. If you use Twitter and Google+, you can now find me @CGinLUX and +CG inLUX. I'll be back online in those venues as soon as we get our new cellular service set up.
In the meantime, I'll let you know which place had the best burgers.
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